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The Associazione Parlamento Europeo Giovani is a "associazione non riconosciuta" (association without legal personality), non-profit, founded in Milan on the 28 March 1994. The Association is driven by criteria of democracy, equality of rights and equal opportunities and is non-partisan and non-denominational.

The Association qualifies as "Ente del Terzo Settore" (third-sector body, legal category under Italian law) and to the subscription to the competent National Register.


Here follow the National Board deliberation of election of statutory offices. (Italian only)






Here follow the Final balance and Budget approved by the last Members Assembly (held every year between October and November). (Italian Only)






It is also published, by Law 4 August 2017 n. 124, subsection 125-129, modified in the current version by Law-decree 30 April 2019 ("Decreto Crescita") and by Ministry of Labour and Welfare Memo n.2 of 11 January 2019 and n.6 of 25 June 2021, the reporting of contributions exceeding €10,000 received from Public Administrations during the past year. (Italian Only)



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