School programs
National preselection
The National Preselection is a project through which, every year, schools from all over Italy have the opportunity to compete, with the participation of one or more delegations of a minimum of 6 students, for participation in the Regional and National events of the European Youth Parliament Italy - APS, as well as regional and national events of other Network committees across Europe.
Participation in the call consists in the drafting, after detailed research, of a parliamentary-style Resolution Motion that contains concrete proposals to address a topical problem, which changes every year.
Students are invited to deepen the topic proposed at national level, identify the main problems, the regulatory framework and possible solutions, all in english language.
It is an opportunity to refine teamwork, critical thinking and active citizenship of the single individual.
A jury of the Association will carefully read and select the best Resolutions, inviting the authoring delegations to take part in the events of European Youth Parliament Italy - APS and of the other National Committees of the European Youth Parliament Network.
The Preselection team can always be reached at preselection@eypitaly.org.
For more information, click the button down below to be directed to the designated page on National Preselection.
Understanding Europe
Understanding Europe is an peer to peer education project through which trained young volunteers between the ages of 16 and 28 visit schools throughout Europe to promote education for active and democratic citizenship through interactive and non-formal workshops, completely free, called Crash Courses. On an international level, Understanding Europe forms a network present in 14 states.
In Italy, the project is managed by European Youth Parliament Italy - APS; currently the laboratories that the Italian Committee offers are linked to history and institutions of the European Union, as well as the active participation in its decision-making processes. However, the Understanding Europe Italy team is working so that further laboratories can soon be set up: an example is the reception of a laboratory entitled "European Muslim women's identity – Unveiling new narratives”, which aims to promote a positive relationship with the cultural diversity encountered in Europe, through the deconstruction of the narratives that form around minorities.
The workshops are held either in English or Italian and have an average duration of 4 hours; moreover, they are calibrated to be carried out with a group of students of the size of a school class (15-30 students).
All the information in this regard can be found on the specifically dedicated page, linked to the button below.
"Percorsi per le competenze trasversali e per l'orientamento (PCTO)"
Also for the 2024/2025 school year, the activity carried out - both in preparation for and during an event of the European Parliament Youth Association - by students of an educational institution can be recognized for the purposes of "Percorsi per le competenze trasversali e per l'orientamento (PCTO)".
This can be done via the stipulation of an agreement between the Institutes and our Association, whose model is supplied directly by the Association to the Institutes. The duration of the Agreement is one year from the signing and remains valid for all the events organized by our Association in the aforementioned period, for all the students of the Institute.
More information can be found on PCTO page.